
CrossFit Scholarship for Foster Youth and Teens

Children and adolescents involved with child welfare, especially those who are removed from their family of origin and placed in out-of-home care, often present complex and serious physical, mental health, developmental, and psychosocial problems rooted in childhood adversity and trauma.

Evidence indicates that children and adolescents fare best when raised in stable homes with nurturing environments who respond to their needs and provide reasonable structure. Children and teenagers also benefit from safe and reasonable child care, educational and neighborhood settings with exposure to normalizing activities.

In addition, overweight and obesity rates in teens have risen dramatically in recent years and teens in these weight categories are at risk for serious future health problems. Overweight and obesity are becoming more prevalent for teens in foster care. CrossFit provides an elegant and combative approach to reversing these comorbidities. CrossFit provides a consistent & nurturing community, which has proven to improve the mental and physical health of adolescent teens and adults. Foster Fit will give teens in foster care access to the same love and support that we receive from our CrossFit friends & community.

The Foster Fit Organization partners with CrossFit gyms and foster care guardians. To be eligible and retain scholarship status, please see requirements below.